Monday, July 14, 2008


Is that a good title? I have not put anything into words lately and thought I probably should get something written since I said I was going to be a "blogger" almost sounds like a disease or is that just me? I have so much running through my head and nothing that pops up to write in a rational, organized, manner and yes that is how my life is run most days.
We did go bowling last night to celebrate the birthday of Aaron Taylor and to my surprise I actually had 130 the first game. WOOHOO and then reality hit that I am now a bowler and I think the second game was closer to 80 something. Bowling is one of those activities that the whole family can do together and have some fun but we never seem to think about it when we are looking for something to do as a family. I do think it could get somewhat expensive pretty quickly for a family of 5 @ $3.75 per game per person, but what cost do you put on good clean family fun on a Saturday evening? Maybe we will play again before the end of the summer and the boys head back to school, yes, Beth is going to school but she will be living at home, forever by the way and never moving away from her daddy. Before anyone tries to give me a dose of reality on this one remember this is my little fantasy world blog :)

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